
Heart of a Yoga Teacher: Interview with Alex Amorosi

Essential Skills to Advance Your Teaching begins in January 2020

Join Alex Amorosi on Saturday, June 1 for a free class and information session about the upcoming Heart of a Yoga Teacher: Essential Skills to Advance your Teaching which begins in January 2020. In this interview, we speak with sought-after Boston yoga teacher Alex Amorosi about his hopes for the program and advice he has for all yoga teachers considering this unique “graduate” training.

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1.) What inspired you to start training other yoga teachers?

I started training yoga teachers in 2007. It began by teaching training groups about how to teach advanced inversions safely but it grew into training teachers in all aspects of leading yoga classes including classroom presentation, sequencing, and spiritual philosophy. Usually whenever I find something I love I want to share with others how to do it, and yoga teaching is one of my great loves.

2.) Which topic are you most looking forward to teaching during your teacher training classes?

This is a training for yoga teachers who already know the mechanical nuts and bolts of teaching a class, so I am most looking forward to diving into the deeper aspects of teaching yoga classes, what we might call the “intangibles” of a good class.  In a really good yoga class, there’s an atmosphere that the teacher creates to allow their students to more deeply integrate and process their practice. That atmosphere isn’t created by accident, there are methods and systems the teacher can employ to create it.

Some examples: How to sequence poses to balance the body’s energy system, how to use humor appropriately to lighten the mood and keep the class safe, how to think on your feet when your plan isn’t working, being able to be present with your students and yourself, as well as many other ideas.   

3.) What makes this teacher training class different from others?

This training will focus heavily on systematic energetics and accessible spirituality. However, we’re going to source the spiritual concepts we talk about from classical texts of India so that while it is relevant to modern life, it respects and stays in touch with the traditional roots of Indian spiritual philosophy.  We will make these often ethereal concepts more concrete in yoga teaching as well as in everyday life. You’ll learn amazing techniques not only for your classes but for your own self-care and spiritual well-being.

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4.) What is lacking in the yoga/holistic wellness community that you would like to see more of?

I think we need to recognize that while yoga poses are very important, they are only a small fraction of a beautiful and profound philosophical system which is deserving of reverence and respect.  Often times in the yoga/wellness world we are teaching spiritual concepts that have been isolated from their original meaning and context with no understanding of the significance of what we are teaching.

I’d like to see more teachers be aware of the deeply sacred underpinnings of yoga that can radically transform someone’s life. Yoga poses are only the tip of the tip of the iceberg, this training is going to go much deeper.

5.) What advice do you have for anyone who is considering taking this teacher training class?

Come, learn, have fun, and be yourself. If you’re feeling lost or uninspired in your teaching, you want to get some thoughts and feedback, or you just want to reignite your own personal practice (this is very important for teachers), then come and learn with us. I’d be delighted to have you there!

Alex Amorosi’s teacher training program will go from January 2020-June 2020. We will be holding various information sessions on
Saturday, June 1, 2019 – 8:00am to 10:00am
Saturday, September 21, 2019 – 2pm to 4pm
Saturday, November 9, 2019 – 2pm to 4pm

*Saturday June 1 session, you will join the 8am regular class and then stay for information from 9:15am to 10:00am.

For more details, visit our website

or download this information flyer.